Founded in 1986 as a natural shelter and fishing port, it is in order of time the first tourist port of Lignano Sabbiadoro, a complex today full of services and capable of managing over 6,000 transits a year. It enjoys a privileged position in the city center, overlooking the splendid natural oasis of the Marano Lagoon, sheltered from the winds of Bora and Scirocco and very convenient for the exit at sea. Awarded the Blue Flag, it hosts every year the “Lignano Boat Show”, an event dedicated to pleasure boating. It is the head office of the Maritime Office of Lignano Sabbiadoro.
Mooring mode
22 Floating pontoons with “finger”.
Per accedere alla darsena proseguire lungo il canale d’entrata per circa 1 miglio e girare a sinistra imboccando un canale segnalato da due briccole, delimitato a sinistra da una scogliera artificiale e a destra da briccole.
Servizi tecnici
Area riservata con gru di sollevamento fino a 20 tonnellate per alaggio, varo e movimentazione delle imbarcazioni. Per i natanti di piccole dimensioni scivolo gratuito situato a nord-ovest della darsena. Servizio di rimessaggio esterno delle imbarcazioni fino a 13 metri e di rimessaggio al coperto per i natanti fino a 9 metri.
Servizi marina
Orario di accesso con servizio attivo 24 h tutti i giorni dell’anno. Oltre agli ormeggi annuali sono garantiti gli ormeggi per i transiti. Servizi igienici e docce, erogazione dell’acqua e della corrente, lavanderia, fabbricatore di ghiaccio, wi-fi. Raccolta differenziata e raccolta oli e batterie esauste. 200 parcheggi per le autovetture adiacenti alle banchine d’ormeggio.
- 390 Places
- 0 Lmin
- 16 Lmax
- Website
To access the dock, continue along the entrance channel for about 1 mile and turn left onto a channel marked by two mooring posts, bordered on the left by an artificial cliff and to the right by mooring posts.
Technical services
Reserved area with lifting cranes up to 20 tons for hauling, launching and handling of boats. For smaller boats a free slide is located north-west of the dock. External storage service for boats up to 13 meters and indoor storage for boats up to 9 meters.
Marina services
Access with active service 24 hours every day of the year. In addition to the annual moorings, transit berths are guaranteed. Rest rooms and showers, water and power supply, laundry, ice maker, wifi. Separate recycling waste collection and separate special collection of exhausted oils and batteries. 200 car parking spaces adjacent to mooring docks.